


In our mini-series of Japanese Cooking 101 in Kyoto, we are going to different stores from traditional to trendy, and show you a glimpse of the culinary scene of Kyoto in 2023. After we tasted delicious food at stores, we tried to recreate those dishes, not exactly but more in our own way, at home in Kyoto. We hope you enjoy our Japanese Cooking 101 food in a little different setting from our regular videos.

Our final episode is Yakitori Restaurant Yakitori. Yakitori (焼き鳥) is skewered and grilled chicken, as many of you may already know. Sometimes they’re dipped in a Teriyaki-type Yakitori sauce, or simply seasoned with salt at other times. Our original Yakitori recipe calls for chicken thighs because we think it’s the most flavorful part of the chicken for normal Yakitori. But there are also many different chicken parts that are used at Yakitori speciality restaurants in Japan. A few of the most popular parts are chicken skins, hearts, gizzards, and cartilage. Well, that may be beyond what many of us want to deal with at Yakitori shops. But if you are being adventurous, please go ahead and try something new. They are really good, with interesting textures, and that’s why people in Japan love those parts in Yakitori too.

Garlic Edamame are stir-fried and seasoned whole Edamame pods with garlic sauce. It is not the traditional Japanese Edamame appetizer, which is usually simply…