Teppanyaki is grilled meat and vegetables prepared on a flat Teppanyaki iron grill. The meat used in this dish is usually beef although not exclusively, and it is similar to or sometimes interchangeable with Yakiniku, grilled beef often cooked on a slotted grill. Most often Teppanyaki is eaten with a garlicky spicy dipping sauce or simple salt. Teppanyaki can be enjoyed as a regular dinner for a family but it’s also great as a party food for bigger crowds.
Niku Tofu (pronounced as Nikudofu) is sliced beef and Tofu cooked in a pot and seasoned with Soy Sauce and sugar. It tastes very…
Japanese Beef Steak is very close to western steaks except for the sauce. The sauce is a soy sauce based sauce, a little bit like…
Beef Roll Up with Vegetables is pan-fried beef that is rolled up with vegetables inside. It is a great beef dish for dinner and…
Shabu Shabu (しゃぶしゃぶ) is a Japanese hot pot dish, Nabemono, with paper-thin sliced beef. It is cooked at the dinner table using a…
Eggplant and ground beef are a great taste combination. They are good in meat sauce for pasta, and wonderful in curry too! Eggplant gets…
Hamburgers are a very popular fast food in Japan just like in the US. However, Japanese people like adding their own flavor to this…
Japanese Hamburger Steak (aka Hamburg or Hambagu) is one of the most popular western style foods in Japan. People of all ages just love…
Gyudon is a popular Japanese rice bowl dish featuring thinly sliced beef and onion cooked in sweet and savory sauce which is piled on…