Teppanyaki is grilled meat and vegetables prepared on a flat Teppanyaki iron grill. The meat used in this dish is usually beef although not exclusively, and it is similar to or sometimes interchangeable with Yakiniku, grilled beef often cooked on a slotted grill. Most often Teppanyaki is eaten with a garlicky spicy dipping sauce or simple salt. Teppanyaki can be enjoyed as a regular dinner for a family but it’s also great as a party food for bigger crowds.
Fruit Sandwich is literally a sandwich with an assortment of fruits. Thinly sliced Japanese soft white bread goes very well with the filling of…
Shokupan (Shoku Pan, Japanese Milk Bread, 食パン) is a Japanese square loaf bread that is often eaten as toast or used for sandwiches. Although rice…
Mabo Tofu (or Mapo Tofu) is one of the very popular Chinese dishes in Japan. Tofu in a garlicky, spicy meat sauce is vey tasty,…
Tororo Soba is a Soba noodle dish with gooey grated Nagaimo. It could be hot or cold although the recipe here is a cold version.…
Tako Sunomono (Octopus Salad) is yet another variation of Sunomono, sliced vegetables soaked in sweet vinegar sauce. While the Sunomono can be as simple…
Buri Nitsuke is yellowtail cooked in a strongly flavored sauce with Sake, Soy Sauce and sugar. It is a very basic Japanese fish dish…
Kakigori (かき氷) is Japanese shaved ice with flavored syrup. It is very popular during the hot and humid summer in Japan, and there are…
Soba Bolo is a Japanese cookie made from buckwheat (Soba) flour, sugar and eggs. It is a simple cookie with a nice buckwheat aroma…