Gobo (burdock roots)

Gobo is burdock root and a very popular vegetable in Japan. It is hard and looks like a tree root, but it gets quite soft when cooked and then it has a mild but distinct flavor.  Though Gobo doesn’t contain very many vitamins, it has a lot of fiber and minerals.  There may be a detox effect on you if you eat regularly.  Gobo can be used in Nimono (boiled and seasoned vegetables), Miso Soup, salads, and many many more dishes. It is often cut Sasagaki (between shaved and sliced) with a knife or peeler, like when you sharpen your pencils with knife (nobody does that today!?).

Sasagaki Gobo
Soak in water to remove harshness.


  1. Actually some pencils are still sharpened like that! Soft graphite pencils (5-6-7-8 B) are best if sharpened with a sharp knife or scalpel because soft graphite is fragile. It also smudges easily and isn’t convenient in everyday life, so it’s used mainly for graphite drawings.

    • It grows all over. In pastures and lawns. Very unique flavor… No substitute that I know of.

  2. deep fried gobo- make like french fries after dipping in flour (arguably a better flavour than french fires)
    In miso soup (tonjiru)
    I don’t think you can really find a substitute for it…

  3. Gobo is so plentiful, and free, it’s a wonder more vegans are not chasing it. On my walks with my wee dog I pass hundreds of Burdock plants. They are along side most walking trails in Minnesota and they are there for those willing to start digging out the root.

  4. Ahh the humble, versatile gobo…

    Can’t get enough! Great for stews, broth and more… Just like grandma used to make .

  5. My wife is Japanese and has eaten this all her life. She recently had an impacted colon from a slice of gobo getting snagged. Use caution in slicing it to be sure there are no sharp points!

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