Today’s miso soup is made with broccoli, onion, and eggs. We can use the whole broccoli including the stems, and onion slices add the sweetness to the broth. This is a perfect soup for breakfast or lunch.
Instant dashi packet is used in this recipe, but you can certainly use any types of dashi. Please check Back to Basics: How to Make Dashi to learn more about different types of dashi.

Miso Soup with Broccoli, Onion, and Egg
- 4 cups Dashi
- 1/2 onion
- 1 small bunch broccoli
- 4 eggs
- 4-5 tbsp miso paste
- Make Dashi broth according to Dashi recipe. Or you can use an instant Dashi.
- Slice onion thinly and cut broccoli into small pieces.
- Boil onion and broccoli stems in the dashi for 5 minutes covered. Add the broccoli florets and eggs. Cover and cook for additional 2 minutes or until the eggs are cooked to your liking.
- Dissolve miso paste in the soup.