Today’s miso soup is made with corn and green onions. Fresh sweet corn is used often in soup, and it tastes wonderful in miso soup, too. Canned or frozen corn can be used when the corn is not in season, but freshly cut corn off the cob has great texture and sweetness. You only need the corn, dashi, and miso, but add some green onions for added flavor and color.
Instant dashi packet is used in this recipe, but you can certainly use any types of dashi. Please check Back to Basics: How to Make Dashi to learn more about different types of dashi.

Miso Soup with Corn and Green Onions
- 4 cups Dashi
- 3-4 fresh corn
- 1-2 green onions
- 4-5 tbsp miso paste
- Make Dashi broth according to Dashi recipe. Or you can use an instant Dashi.
- Cut green onions. Cut corn kernels off the cob.
- Boil corn in the dashi broth for 5 minutes.
- Dissolve Miso Paste in the soup and add the green onions.