Natto Pancake is a savory pancake made with Japanese traditional fermented soy beans (Natto) and garlic chives. This savory pancake is similar to Okonomiyaki, but it’s more like Chijimi or Korean Buchimgae with simple vegetable ingredients.
Rich in fiver and several nutrients, Natto is considered as a Japanese super food. However, due to the distinct smell and sticky texture, some people simply can not stand it. While Natto is most commonly eaten over steamed rice, it can be used in various Japanese cooking such as noodle toppings. In this recipe, we mix the Natto in the dashi flavored savory pancake batter and cooked like a pancake. When Natto is seasoned well and cooked, the flavor is not as overwhelming as eating by itself. Even if you did not care for Natto before, you may want to try this pancake. You may be pleasantly surprised how tasty it is!

Natto Pancake
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup all purpose flour
- 2 tbsp potato starch
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp Dashi powder
- 1/2 cup garlic chives (cut into 1" long pieces)
- 1 package Natto
- 1 tsp sesame oil
Dipping Sauce
- Ponzu sauce (or soy sauce (optional))
- In a medium bowl, whisk all the ingredients except the garlic chives, natto, and sesame oil. Add the chives and natto and mix.
- Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan at medium heat, and pour the batter. Cook at medium heat for 4 minutes. Flip and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes.
- Cut into bite size pieces, and serve with the dipping sauce.