Shiitake Kombu Tsukudani is rehydrated dried Shiitake mushrooms and Kombu seaweed that are cooked and seasoned mainly with sugar and Soy Sauce. It is a great accompaniment for plain Steamed Rice for its strong sweet and salty flavor. You can use it to top a bowl of plain Steamed Rice or with Ochazuke, rice and tea.
Furikake are rice toppings which are usually made of dried seafood and seasonings. Furikake means literally “sprinkle” in Japanese, and it is typically sprinkled over Steamed Rice or Onigiri. Kinshobai is an upscale Furikake brand and made of Kombu sea kelp and Katsuo bonito flakes. It is much more gourmet than the kinds of Furikake that you can typically buy at supermarkets. Here we will show you how to make this fancy Furikake at home. It’s so easy to make, and it doesn’t cost much at all.
Kombu Tsukudani is thinly cut Kombu seaweed that is cooked and seasoned mainly with sugar and Soy Sauce.  Kombu Tsukudani is a great accompaniment for plain Steamed Rice for its strong sweet and salty flavor.  You can use it to top a bowl of rice or put it in your Onigiri rice balls.