
miso soup


Today’s miso soup is made with kimchi and tofu. This miso soup is inspired by Korean Kimchi soup or Kimchi Jjigae, but it is not the authentic Korean soup. It’s rather a simple Japanese miso soup with kimchi in it. It’s lighter and milder than jigae (Korean stew).

You can have the soup simply as it is, or add some thinly sliced pork, seafood, or eggs to make it heartier.

Today’s miso soup uses Satsumaimo Japanese sweet potato.(さつまいも) Satsumaimo is a great vegetable for sweet dishes and desserts, and it works in miso soup very well too. You can add meat and other vegetables to this, but we wanted it to be simple here so that the taste of sweet potato is accentuated in the dish. Enjoy the flavor combination of Satsumaimo’s mild sweetness and savory miso. Hope you like it!

Today’s miso soup is made with Napa Cabbage, Onion, and Tenkasu Tempura Bits. Thinly sliced nappa cabbage and onion are cooked till soft in the dashi broth and seasoned with the miso paste. Simple vegetable miso soup tastes good as is, but with home-made Tenkasu tempura bits, it becomes hearty and even more delicious. Crunchy tempura bits soak up the tasty broth and adds nice texture.

Tenkasu can be purchased in a bag at Japanese supermarkets, but making it at home is quite easy. You can collect bits of Tempura crust floated in the oil when making Tempura, or you can follow our simple Tenkasu recipe.

Today’s miso soup is made with rolled oats. It tastes like porridge with a Miso flavor. This easy and tasty oatmeal soup is great for anybody but especially for people who want to lose some weight. Oatmeal has a lot of fiber, and spinach is full of nutrition. Miso Soup with Oatmeal could be part of a meal, or it can stand strong by itself. It’s filling and satisfying, and oh so healthy. Hope you like it!

Today’s miso soup is made with pan fried eggplant and green onions. Japanese eggplant is cut into thick sticks and pan fried with oil before added to the broth. Softly cooked eggplant soaks up savory dashi and miso flavor.

Instant dashi packet is used in this recipe, but you can certainly use any types of dashi. Please check Back to Basics: How to Make Dashi to learn more about different types of dashi.

Today’s miso soup is made with store-bought frozen Gyoza and fresh lettuce. It is seriously easy to make, and you don’t even need to cut anything at all. Choose frozen Gyoza dumplings of your choice, chicken, pork, or vegetable, from super markets, throw them in the soup along with lettuce leaves, and done! No compromise on the taste either. Add chili oil in the end if you like it a little spicy. Hope you like it!

Today’s miso soup is made with tofu, brown and green onions. Tofu is probably the most commonly used ingredients for miso soup. Tofu with wakame seaweed and/or green onion are served at many Japanese restaurants. We added sliced brown onion to a typical tofu miso soup in this recipe. Thinly sliced brown onion adds sweetness to the broth. If you are tired of a typical tofu miso soup, try adding brown onion for a change!