Oyster Okonomiyaki, known as “Kakioko” in Japanese, is a type of Okonomiyaki, a savory Japanese pancake. The defining characteristic of Kakioko is its generous use of oysters, making them the star ingredient due to their rich flavor and aroma. The soft batter and crisp cabbage complement the plump texture of the oysters within the pancakes. Here, we will show you how to recreate authentic Kakioko Okonomiyaki at home.
Kaki Dotenabe is a hot pot dish with Oysters and vegetables in a strong Miso based soup. Kaki Dotenabe is a Hiroshima regional dish, an area famous for oysters. It is often eaten in winter as other hot pots are, and that’s also when oysters are in season. The distinguished “Umami” savory flavor from oysters is blended into the Miso based soup, and it is eaten as is, without any dipping sauces like many other hot pots require. You can of course enjoy the main ingredient of oysters in the pot, but also the side ingredients Napa cabbage and Tofu absorb a wonderful shellfish taste.
Kaki Gohan is seasoned rice cooked with oysters. Oysters are one of the most popular foods that is in season during winter in Japan. The juice from the shellfish is packed with Umami (savory flavor) and is absorbed into the rice while cooking. In this dish, you don’t just enjoy oysters themselves but also the wonderful oyster-flavored rice.
Kaki Fry is breaded with Panko bread crumbs and deep-fried oysters, often eaten with Tonkatsu Sauce, lemon juice, and tartar sauce (or other toppings). It is a taste of winter when oysters are in season in Japan.
Living in the US, we easily forget when a certain food is actually in season and supposed to be harvested because we can buy almost anything any time of the year. In Japan, although that may be becoming true too, it is hard to ignore which food is in season because of its abundance and quality at markets, and at very reasonable prices. Oysters become nice and fat and reach the peak of flavor around February and March, so you definitely have to eat them then in Japan.