


Tofu Steak (豆腐ステーキ) is pan-fried tofu with a Soy Sauce-based savory sauce. Tofu is mild-flavored bean curd and usually cooked in dishes as one of many side ingredients, but it is the main character of this recipe. Tofu Steak is delicious in a strongly flavored sauce with refreshing spicy grated ginger, and goes very well with Steamed Rice. This dish is a great way to add good protein to your meal that is very healthy and also easy on your budget.

Atsuage is deep fried Tofu that you can use without any breaking or using batter.  Atsuage is an important ingredient in Japanese cooking, especially in Nimono (boiled and seasoned vegetables and meat).  Because it is made of Tofu, it is healthy plant-based protein, but it has a little more body and deeper flavor from being fried in oil.

Hamburger Steak is a very popular western style dish in Japan, and it is often made at home or served at many restaurants.  While regular hamburger steak is made from ground pork and beef, Tofu Hamburger Steak is made from a mixture of Tofu and ground meat.  Although Tofu Hamburger Steak has fewer calories and a little softer texture, it tastes meaty enough for meat lovers.